Tuesday, October 13, 2009

x|GgT vs x|GgT^Ep 3-0

Training played on 12th of October 2009, Game 1 was loaded therefore could not be save. I will upload both Game 2 and Game 3 here under rapidshare.com which only the 1st 10 downloaders can download the file according to the rapidshare.com new rules. Enjoy the replay ^-^V
1. x|GgT^[cK]Ren-|
2. x|GgT^LyChee-|
3. x|GgT^Mango-|
4. x|GgT^Kenny-|
5. x|GgT^Lemon-|

1. x|GgT^Maniac-|
2. x|GgT^Milk-|
3. x|GgT^Gain-|
4. x|GgT^SalVation (Game 1) x|GgT^[86]Wan-| (Game 2 & 3)
5. x|GgT^Momo-|

Replay can be found here (Game was played on 1.24b version) :

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